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David Whyte on the True Meaning of Friendship, Love & Heartbreak
After a certain age, words flow from us, often without a second thought. So how can we come back into a conscious relationship with some of the most common words in our language? How can we return with fresh eyes to words like love and friendship? Poet David Whyte dives deeply into these terms, and encourages us to return to their visceral truths.... posted on May 12 2015, 30,322 reads


Making Mother's Day
When a young man returns home after a two and a half year unexplained absence, his mother's instinctive response to seeing him at the door blows him away. Reflecting on her years of hard work and sacrifice for the well-being of her children, he decides it's time to return the favor. On his birthday he sits her down for a special and heart-warming surprise...... posted on May 11 2015, 4,963 reads


10 Timeframes For Measuring Life
How do we measure time? From the passing of seasons to the minute hand on a clock, the way we capture and measure moments is always changing. Today, we have more and more ways to track time, but we don't seem to be any closer to figuring out how best to use it. What if we change the very way we situate ourselves in the "when"? What if we stop measuring time in terms of nanoseconds of productivity... posted on May 10 2015, 17,171 reads


The Prison Freedom Project: Transforming Lives Through Yoga
Five years ago, Brian Bergman and a fellow yoga teacher set out to bring the practice of yoga to prisons in South Africa. At the time, their only resource were 'bucket loads of energy and compassion', and a steadfast determination to serve. Today, the Prison Freedom Project touches the lives of inmates in eight prisons, sowing seeds of radical transformation. It all began with a simple question: H... posted on May 09 2015, 15,079 reads


The Inner Life of Rebellion
The history of rebellion is rife with burnout, which Parker Palmer has defined as "violating my own nature in the name of nobility." The irony of this moment, where we are freer, psychologically and practically, to be rebels is that most of the forms and institutions we are dealing with don't need smashing -- they are imploding on their own. Many of our acts of rebellion are acts of creation. Read... posted on May 08 2015, 16,239 reads


Project 562: Photographing Beyond Stereotypes
Three years ago, photographer Matika Wilbur set out on an ambitious undertaking, traveling across America to photograph members of all 562 of America's federally-recognized tribes. Through her project, Wilbur has sought to address the problematic and romanticized depiction of Native Americans in the majority of images featuring them. Herself a member of Native-American tribes, Wilbur asks, "How ... posted on May 07 2015, 7,391 reads


Rev. Violet Little's Welcome Church
It all began on a cold day in 2006, when the Reverend Violet Little walked into a public restroom in Philadelphia. Inside, she found a woman washing her hair in the sink; and another, using the hand dryer to warm her clothes. They were the city's homeless; the silent voices in the night. It was within this moment that the Welcome Church was born -- a 'church without walls', and one that would soon... posted on May 06 2015, 15,404 reads


Wendell Berry: To Save the Future, Live in the Present
"If we take no thought for the morrow, how will we be prepared for the morrow? A steady stream of poisons is flowing from our croplands into the air and water. The land itself continues to flow or blow away, and in some places erosion is getting worse, and “no-till” technology does not prevent erosion on continuously cropped grainfields." Learn more about how poet and naturalist Wendel... posted on May 05 2015, 10,806 reads


Are You Cultivating Knowledge Or Consuming Information?
The internet represents an unprecedented opportunity to share and access information. But how do we mindfully engage with this tool, and with other emerging technologies, without getting lost in a maelstrom of distractions? Gregory Ciotti suggests that, with a specific set goals for personal growth in mind, we can find a healthier balance between engagement and immersion.... posted on May 04 2015, 20,759 reads


The Real Junk Food Project
For Adam Smith, the slogan 'Life is a Beach' turned out to be somewhat prophetic. Drawing inspiration from his days on the beaches of Australia, Smith decided to dedicate his life to creating The Real Junk Food Project (or TRJFP for short). And the words 'junk food' isn't meant to describe candy bars and potato chips, but rather for food that would otherwise be thrown away as junk from grocers, fa... posted on May 03 2015, 120,917 reads


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Happiness is a continuous creative activity.
Baba Amte

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